If you hate Mondays, feel free to start laughing at the combination of the words happy and Monday in the same sentence.
I don’t dislike Mondays. I don’t dread them on Sundays or anything like that. But I do tend to prepare for them as if I am preparing for battle. That means the house is clean and tidy, the laundry is caught up, and the fridge is stuffed full of food for the week.
Last night, I was so on my game that I actually chopped beef and vegetables for tonight’s slow cooker beef stew. Hell, not only did I chop all the beef into chunks, I got my sous chef (a.k.a. Pete) to toss in the herbs and spices and all that, so that all I had to do at 6:30 this morning was pull the container from the fridge and dump it into the crockpot, along with the requisite amount of water. When I walk in the door at 5:30 this evening, I just need to throw in the vegetables I chopped last night. Like I said: On. My. Game.
I wish I could say that every day is like that, but the fact is that some days we walk in the door at 5:30, ask each other what’s for dinner, and then shrug because we have no clue.
But this Monday at least, my house will smell good when we walk in and dinner will be nearly ready. Which will be perfect for a chilly, rainy Monday two days before the autumnal equinox.
What’s new in your world and what’s on your table for dinner tonight?
Trying to wrap my brain around the sudden and unexpected death of an elderly, but still vigorous, close family member. Part of my back is in extreme pain; I don’t know why, and I don’t know what to do to fix it. I suspect the death and the back pain are related, but I still don’t know what to do about it. The good news: salmon & roasted veggies for dinner.
My Queen brought home food from K&W Cafeteria this afternoon after her dialysis appointment. I had country style steak with gravy, buttered mushrooms, and macaroni & cheese. Followed by my 3rd bowl today of butter pecan ice cream and a Cherry Coke Zero. Not exactly healthy but very delicious. I used to salivate when you would post the nightly dinner menu for the citizens of Jenworld, so not having that has been hard for me since you have gone back to work. If you have any guilty feelings about how you have rocked my world, please work through them. I hereby absolve you of the need to feel bad. Please also feel free to tell me to kiss your ass.
I felt all accomplished because I actually cooked chicken breasts on Sunday and made chicken salad on Monday. In spite having a cooking blog, I’m TERRIBLE at meal planning. Even with a little prep, I still had to go back to the store at the last minute for celery. Totally worth it though. If I ever live out in the boonies and far from a grocery store, I’ll have to seriously get my act together.
Huge fan of the crock pot. Huge! Even though I’m single and live alone, I use my crock pot on the reg. I don’t mind eating leftovers if it’s something tasty, so it works for me. Last night, however? Tombstone pizza. I buy it because I enjoy it on occasion but last night it was the “well, this is here, requires little effort and can be ready to eat in less than 30 minutes” choice. With the autumnal equinox upon us, I think it’s time to employ the ol’ crock pot for some Cowboy Stew or white chicken chili or chicken tikka masala. Or something with mushrooms, because Tim’s buttered mushrooms reminded me that I have been longing for some sautéed or otherwise slow-cooked mushrooms in a delicious sauce or gravy.
I don’t dread Mondays, either. Mornings in general have been a trial lately, though. This is just my third week back to work after knee surgery in July and I am struggling mightily to find the energy to function normally. I’m trying to be patient with my body, but it’s hard to do when I have to drag myself out of bed even after a good night’s sleep.
I do so love my crock pot. It’s about to go back into regular rotation with Thursday night insanity (2 dance classes + gymnastics, all 40 minutes away in the biggish city).
Around here, I’m praying to any deity that will listen to cool the damn weather down. It’s still in the high 70′s/80′s for the foreseeable future. We are days away from fall. KNOCK IT OFF! (Meanwhile, my tomatoes are in hog heaven.) We’re trying to get back in the swing of things. I was in Denver last week for work. I have at least 3 (probably 4) more trips to deal with in the next two months, plus 3 birthdays, an anniversary, and Halloween. This is my most favorite and yet also craziest time of year!
(Oh. Dinner last night was cilantro lime chicken. Tonight is (homemade) Taco Tuesday per the kids demands.)
I’m trying to keep meat in the house for the kid. I bought a pork roast over the weekend and just cooked it in some apple cider in the crock pot. SO fabulous
, it’s great for wraps and sandwiches.