I just realized yesterday that this blog turns seven this month. I don’t remember the exact day I started blogging, as I’ve since deleted some early posts, but I do know that it was the first half of January 2007. So now my blog is a second grader.
THANK YOU to all of you for coming here to read. I am delighted, humbled, honored, and completely grateful that you choose to waste time at work or during your commute by clicking over to see what nonsense I might have you.
I know that there are some of you who have been reading sine the first year, while others are newer. Would you be willing to indulge me and comment to tell me how long you’ve been around and how you ended up here? Thank you.
And gracias, merci, danke, grazie, ankyouthay, arigato, spasibo. As many ways as I can say it, thank you.
I started my blog in December 2006 and I found you through Mamarazzi.
Always. Ok, not always, it was when we agreed to differ on Girl Scouts cleaning toilets (though we did agree it was acceptable if they wore rubber gloves)
July 2007
I’m pretty sure I started reading your blog around the same time I started blogging myself -early in 2011.
Hi Jen!
I believe I started reading your blog about 5 or 6 years ago, and you were still living in your old house, and modern Jenworld was just a dream. I remember when you were NOT running, and still complaining about the size of your chest (which is a problem for me as well). Happy Blogaversary!
Whoa. Seven years? That’s amazing! Congratulations! I must have started reading you shortly after you began because I just checked my records and it says sometime in 2007…that summer maybe?
Wow. Seven years.
Seven years? Wow! I must have started reading pretty close to when you started…or at least it seems like it. Was the boy born yet? For some reason I don’t think so. And I have no idea how I found you either. I’m sure I was searching the internet for something and your blog came up. I’ve always loved your voice. And as I’ve gotten to know you, I love the rest of you too! Happy blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary! I had to look back through my blog, and I found that you first started commenting on Sept 29, 2007. I followed your comments back and found you, either your comments on my blog or your comments on Josie’s blog, and that’s how I started reading Jen on the Edge. Little did I know that those comments would blossom into a cherished friendship. ♥
Congratulations! Well, the boy is seven, and I know I first discovered the whole blogosphere during the many, many sleepless nights of his infancy. And yours is one of the first I started reading regularly (and one of the very few I still do!) so I might not have been here since the very beginning, but pretty close! xoxo
oh I wish I could see how long I’ve been reading you, Jen. I have no idea how to hopscotch back to start date….ideas of how, seem to shimmer just offshore in this hormone-less brain of mine. When I get this “itch” to remember (stuff in general) if I keep thinking long enough, sometimes it comes to me? Sometimes. Sometimes not. Almost feels like I’m going to win the lottery, and then…that passes too.
One inkling that does present itself at first wink is that you had, or were about to, finish your new house. And I saw your round padded couch and thought hmmm?! And then there was Bubbles. I was tickled to see that you not only had a cruiser bike, but it had a name! My oldest son graduated from high school in 2007, but that doesn’t help my brain-fartedness. I know, not a word. And my punctuation is sucking lately. I know this, yet don’t correct it. What does that tell you?
I don’t even know. I think I read all your archives, though, when I did find you. So that makes me an original reader. Kinda.
I think I found you in 2009. It was after Toby was born, and he was born in 2008, so… that sounds right to me.
I have no clue when I started reading your blog, but I know you were in your old house. Your iceburg of snowmageddon is one of the funniest things I have ever read. And we both live in Virginia, and our daughters have similar names.
not an iceberg, a glacier. Here’s the post: http://jenontheedge.com/2010/02/19/notes-from-the-jenworld-glacier-observation-station/
Happy seventh anniversary! After a random search of your archive, I can only say that I think I started following this blog in 2011? Not sure, but however long it has been, I have enjoyed it. I think I found you through another Cville blog, maybe Small and Chic in Cville? So glad that I did
2011 I think? Maybe 2010. Marijean did some sort of friend-blog-link-sharing thing through her FB page, and then you showed up to help kickstart the walking group
I’ve been reading since year one. I believe I was the first reader to push you into double digits comments. Congrats Jen!
I am a relative newcomer here - I think I started reading your blog maybe 6 months ago. I found you through one of the people who commented above, but I have no idea which one. I myself started blogging in Sep 2008, two weeks after our family was inflicted with head lice.
Congratulations on seven years! I followed a link over from Green Girl in WI sometime in late 2007 and have been following ever since.
From the beginning my sweet and talented daughter. Love you.
Hmm. Several years at least. Back in the Graceful and Elegant days for sure. Can’t remember how I found your blog. I think I was researching Charlottesville (it is my favorite East Coast city).
Apparently I can’t remember a lot. Lol Sorry.
I don’t remember, but I think I have been around since just about the beginning (& I’ve loved every minute!)
Happy Anniversary!!!! I know I started reading you around the time I started blogging which was 2008 (where has the time gone?!!!?). You were still living in your old house and the girls were Graceful and Elegant! You didn’t show pics of yourself and exercise wasn’t part of your life at that point. You’ve come a long way baby!
No idea. No clue how I came…via Poppy?
Congrats. Seven is a very nice number and I very much like this non-monetized, “personal” blog.
Well done.
Happy Anniversary! Seven is a very good number. I have no idea how long I’ve been here. Compared to the loyal following you have, I’d say I’m more of a newbie…maybe a year or two. I know I was a reader before I was a commenter. Happy to have also found you on Facebook and especially polyvore so I can see all your cool outfits! Congratulations to you!
Started reading it in 2008 the same year I got a new (now defunct) laptop.
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I’m a year behind you but sad to say that I took too long to get here. I know that I saw the comments you left for Jenn at Juggling Life and Mrs. G.’s Manor and eventually followed you home.
I think I started following you about 3 years ago. I can’t remember how I found you - it was probably someone who has a jewelry blog linking to one of your posts. I love your blog and your sense of humor. Congratulations on 7 years!
I think I’ve been around for close to 5 years and I would bet we found each other somehow through Derfwad Manor. Congrats on still being in the game!
I think I’ve been reading your blog since autumn 2007. Could have been 2008. I have truly enjoyed it, and I am so glad you are still at it! Too bad I can’t say the same for my own blog… oh well.
Happy blogiversary!